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Unread 03-16-2010, 07:12 AM
Pre-follow up butterflies and recent commercials

First my 4 year appt is coming up on Thurs. As always I have mad butterflies in my tummy. I'm also growing more nervous about what happens next year when I reach the 5-year "cured" mark. Will my gyne/onco release me back to the regular gyne? Could I make it possible to schedule yearly's with my gyne/onco? Has anyone else managed the yearly's with the onco even after the 5 year mark?

I don't have much faith in the ob/gyn after they saw the polyp and still insisted that (they believed) it wasn't cancerous. And just the fact that it was missed. The bleeding started just 6 mos after my routine exam. I know paps aren't 100%, but I dunno....I have complete trust in my gyne/onco, not so much in the ob/gyn.

Next, has anyone else noticed the increase in CC ads on tv? Its really messing with me & my emotions. I guess in an attempt to bring awareness its also hitting the hard emotional points of CC. Like loss of fertility at a young age. I want to change the channel every time one comes on. Is anyone else bothered by them? I know raising awareness is SO important, and the ads have to really hit home to get people to understand, but gosh it still hurts.